
ARRA Advocacy and Outreach Initiative

Page history last edited by Faye Anderson 14 years, 1 month ago


Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), Pennsylvania will receive an estimated $26 billion.  ARRA funds are being used to finance a wide range of activities in the commonwealth, including transportation, infrastructure, housing, energy, education and health projects.


The Enterprise Center and the Pennsylvania Minority Business Enterprise Center were awarded a contract by the Minority Business Development Agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce to establish the PA MBEC ARRA Advocacy and Outreach Initiative to promote minority business participation in the economic recovery of Pennsylvania. 


The PA MBEC ARRA Advocacy and Outreach Initiative is a one-stop resource for information about federal, state and local contracting and grant opportunities under ARRA.  We identify specific opportunities in targeted sectors, including construction, weatherization, transportation, energy and broadband, and match those opportunities with certified minority businesses.   And where necessary, we will provide financing, bonding and other technical assistance.


We also advocate for policies, programs and best practices that promote the inclusion of minority business enterprises (MBEs) in existing and planned Recovery projects. 


Our Stimulus Watch monitors compliance with ARRA reporting requirements and Pennsylvania's disadvantaged business participation goals. We are tracking selected projects to determine whether ARRA funds are being used to further the purposes of the Recovery Act.  Those purposes include providing opportunities for small disadvantaged businesses.


The PA MBEC ARRA Advocacy and Outreach Initiative uses traditional media and social media, including Facebook and LinkedIn, to reach out to minority business enterprises.  MBEs who want to access our services must complete a Client Capacity Profile.


Principal Work Activities

  • Serve as a one-stop shop for MBEs looking for ARRA-funded contract opportunities and assistance.
  • Identify ARRA opportunities in targeted sectors, including transportation, construction, energy, broadband, health and education.
  • Identify “shovel-ready” MBEs.
  • Match certified MBEs with ARRA contract and grant opportunities.
  • Market and reach out to MBEs and provide them with information about ARRA procurement opportunities and online resources.
  • Organize B2B forums to bring together certified MBEs, government agencies, prime contractors and potential strategic partners.
  • Monitor compliance with ARRA’s disadvantaged business participation guidelines.
  • Track select projects to determine whether ARRA funds are being used to further the purposes of the Recovery Act.  Those purposes include providing opportunities for small disadvantaged businesses.
  • Advocate for policies and best practices to promote the inclusion of MBEs in existing and planned Recovery projects.
  • Distribute weekly e-blast, "Pennsylvania Stimulus Watch."


For more information, contact us:

The Enterprise Center

4548 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA 19139

Email:  info@pa-mbec.com


Useful Links

Recovery.PA. gov




Minority Business Development Agency


Central Contractor Registration



Pennsylvania ARRA Stimulus Review


Recovery Act for Small Businesses


Regional Equity Monitoring Project



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