

Page history last edited by Faye Anderson 3 years, 7 months ago


Tracking Change is an online platform for activists, advocacy groups and influencers to share news and information to turn hope into action.  Together, we can influence public policy and ensure issues of importance to African Americans are addressed.  The issues include job creation, access to capital, education reform, STEM advocacy, broadband deployment and adoption, and voting rights.


By harnessing the power of social media activists can influence public policy, solve problems and make change happen.


Tracking Change curates news and information that empower activists and advocacy groups to get involved in the policymaking process.


Tracking Change promotes data-driven models of civic engagement, transparency and accountability.


The bottom line: We are the leaders we have been waiting for.  We must embrace President Franklin D. Roosevelt's call to action: “I agree with you, I want to do it, now make me do it.”

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