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Stimulus Watch

Page history last edited by Faye Anderson 13 years, 7 months ago


The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 includes provisions to promote the inclusion of small disadvantaged businesses in federal contracting opportunities. However, 80 percent of the spending decisions will be made by states and localities that are not subject to Federal Acquisition Regulations.


Pennsylvania will receive an estimated $16 billion in ARRA funds.  While the commonwealth is not subject to federal procurement requirements, the “Agreement Addendum on Implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009” requires a contractor to use “reasonable and good faith efforts” to include certified MBEs:


14. DBE Provisions. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) requirements related to DBE programs. In the event there are no federal DBE programs applicable to this agreement, the Contractor shall comply with the Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS) policy for contracting (http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/bureau_of_minority_and_women_business_opportunities/1358). In the event this agreement is a grant agreement not covered by federal DBE requirements, the Contractor shall use reasonable and good faith efforts to solicit and utilize DGS-certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Women Business Enterprises (WBEs) for those contracting, subcontracting and purchase opportunities that exist and report utilization to DGS.


The PA MBEC ARRA Advocacy and Outreach Initiative will review MBE/WBE Subcontractor and Supplier Certification, Solicitation and Commitment forms for selected construction and non-construction projects to identify what, if any, efforts were made to provide opportunities for certified minority-owned businesses.


Governor Rendell Signs Executive Order Ensuring Recovery Act Funding Opportunities for Small, Disadvantaged Businesses (Oct. 28, 2009)



Small and Disadvantaged Business Participation in the The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in Pennsylvania
Source: James P. Creedon, Chief Implementation Officer and Secretary of the Department of General Services (Sept. 16, 2010)


First Quarterly Report on Executive Order 2009-02, "Creating Opportunities for Small and Disadvantaged Businesses

in the Expenditure of Federal Stimulus Monies"

Source: James P. Creedon, Chief Implementation Officer and Secretary of the Department of General Services (March 11, 2010)


Public Hearings

Pennsylvania House Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs Hearings on the ARRA


Council of the City of Philadelphia Committee on Commerce and Economc Development Hearing on Proposed Ordinances to Establish "Local Bidding Preferences" and Require "Economic Opportunity Plans" on Stimulus-Funded Projects (Nov. 4, 2009)


Council of the City of Philadelphia Committee on Fiscal Stability and Intergovernmental Cooperation Hearing on City of Philadelphia's Receipt, Allocation and Utilization of Federal Stimulus Funds (Oct. 28, 2009)


Useful Links

Recovery.gov: Track the Money


Government Accountability Office's Oversight of the Recovery Act: Pennsylvania


Pennsylvania Right to Know Law


Minority Contracting Toolkit


ProPublica: Eye on the Stimulus


Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board


Regional Equity Monitoring Project


States for an Accountable Recovery



Survey of Business Owners: Black-Owned Businesses: 2007

Source: U.S. Census Bureau (February 8, 2011)


State of Entrepreneurship: The Rules for Growth

Source: Kauffman Foundation (February 8, 2011)


2009 Annual Report on Minority- and Women-owned Business Participation

Source: Department of General Services (January 17, 2011)


State of Entrepreneurship

Source: Kauffman Foundation (January 19, 2010)



How Small Businesses Are Using Social Media

African American-Owned Businesses on the Rise

Census Bureau Reports the Number of Black-Owned Businesses Increased at Triple the National Rate

Bob Casey to introduce laws aiding minority businesses

Annual studies help Philadelphia address diversity in contracting

Facebook, Twitter most popular, Postling says

The fight for minority economic inclusion

The Enterprise Center Hosted Entrepreneurial Forum

Casey Introduces Bills to Help Minority and Women-Owned Businesses

The Enterprise Center Supports Sen. Casey’s Call for GAO Review of Contracting Opportunities under ARRA

Casey Calls for Review of Contracting Opportunities for Small Businesses Owned by Minorities and Women

Less stimulus for minority firms

Obama wants stimulus projects to hire more minorities, women

City must get stimulated 

Pa. order steers some stimulus work to small and minority-owned firms

Stimulus plan needs some stimulation: Awarded $157M in fed funds, the city has spent just $1M, and saved only 52 jobs

Agencies surpass Recovery Act small business contracting goals

Stimulus Reporting Deadline Looms

Pa. moving toward aid on stimulus



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